The one visitor to my site – is there that many? – may have noticed I’ve been absent from the blog for quite some time, with the exception of cover reveals and book releases for fellow authors. So, where in the world have I been?
I’ve been around, trust me. I’m on Facebook and Twitter, but I’ve mostly either had my nose in a book reading, or my ass in chair, writing. A few weeks ago, I sent my chick lit work in progress to beta readers. I’ve received all their feedback back and am now working to remedy a few situations they’ve pointed out to me. I am in love with this book – and hope you will be, too. I have goals in mind of when I want to publish it, but seeing as I have no idea if my goals are attainable, I’ll keep that to myself right now!
While waiting for feedback on the book, I also worked on the first of a 3-book novella series. This is much different than Pieces of it All and the chick lit in that it is a paranormal book with a romance element. I’ve read paranormal, but I’ve never written it. It’s still in the hands of beta readers and quite frankly, I’m scared out of my mind of the feedback I’ll get back on this one.
When I’m not writing the book, I’m searching for images for a cover. Or having trouble sleeping because I can’t stop thinking about the book. Needless to say, it’s always on my mind.
So if I disappear for awhile again, let it be known I’m working hard to get my next book out there for you!