Songs From My Past

11794308_10203460650911996_9085073944870157674_oThis week in Open Blog Hop, we talk about songs from our past! These are not from high school, but still fun for me and have great memories.

When I think of songs from my past, three songs come to mind:

1.) Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) by C+C Music Factory

2.) Cold-Hearted Snake by Paula Abdul

3.) California Girls by The Beach Boys

Why do these songs have a special meaning to my past? What about these brings back awesome memories? I’m glad you asked!

Let’s start with Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now). This song was released in 1990. I was still in grade school and in awe of all the cheerleaders and how they moved. I wanted to be a cheerleader, but memorizing routines and cheering in front of a crowd freaked me out. So what did I do instead? Made up my own dances with my friends. I recall my friend Josie and I making up a dance to this song. I can’t remember it at all, but we had a lot of fun.

2.) Cold-Hearted Snake came into my life and I was obsessed with the song. I loved Madonna, adored Debbie Gibson, but something about Paula Abdul made me want to SING. I think she was kind of a cross between both Madonna and Debbie Gibson, especially with this song. I loved the video and I wanted the outfit she wore in it.

Living in Wisconsin I’m barely a California Girl, but my very first friend when I moved to my new neighborhood before first grade was from California. Amber visited her grandma across the street from us every summer, and soon we would hang out all summer every summer. California Girls belonged to her, in a sense, but we loved listening to it together.


Beach Boys – California Girls from Alejandro Cayo on Vimeo.

These songs sure are blasts from the past for me!

What songs are special to you? Let me know in the comments.

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