A few years ago I kept seeing a hashtag on twitter: #COYER. Having no clue what this meant, I asked someone, as one would do. This stands for Clean Out Your E-Reader. What’s the challenge? Spend the summer reading books that you’ve already downloaded to clean out your Kindle.
Apparently in the past there have always been specific rules to follow with this challenge. I was informed that this summer is the summer of NO RULES. So, with that, I’m joining!
COYER Summer Vacation will run from June 18th until September 2nd. I plan on reading as much on my Kindle as I can, but I do have a few paperbacks and hardcovers I want to get to. Do you want to join me? Sign up open May 21 – August 1. Check out the rules here: http://fantasyismorefun.com/2016/05/coyer-summer-vacation-sign-big-news.html. Wait, there are no rules …. well, check it out anyway!