Follow Friday Four Fill In Fun Blog

This is Week 211 of this, and I’m hopping in today! Hilary Grossman over at Feeling Beachie (and a great author with a book, Dangled Carat, on sale!) hosts this fun hop.

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Each week, she lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs.

The statements:
  1. I hate to wear ______________________, but love to wear ________
  2. Hearing ________________________  makes me feel ___________
  3. I have a _______________ on my ________________
  4. I wish I could say _________ to __________________

My responses:

1. I hate to wear high heels (sorry, Hilary!), but love to wear tennis shoes.

2. Hearing rain tap on the window makes me feel relaxed.

3. I have a Fitbit on my wrist.

4. I wish I could say I’m sorry to my (ex) best friend, and move on.

This almost makes me feel like I am in high school! I love it! Thanks Hilary for hosting this!

If you’re looking for a fun book to read, don’t forget to check out CACHING IN, my chick-lit romance available now:

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