Author name: tkrimms

Step Crazy

Seven thousand. That’s my number. I usually reach it, though sometimes I miss. But why is this number so important to me? This is my daily step goal. My name is Tracy Krimmer and I’m slightly obsessed with my FitBit. Almost a year ago I got my first FitBit. This was around the time my husband …

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Sparing the Heart is LIVE!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! That should bring me some luck, right? I hope so — today Sparing the Heart is live and available for purchase in the Kindle store at Amazon. This has been a long day coming. Since I wrote Caching In, readers have asked about Kate Hayes, Seth’s sister who was a little, well, bitchy …

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Fun With Lists

Since I don’t keep busy enough with writing (insert sarcasm here), I thought I would participate in a challenge! The great thing about this challenge is it’s weekly instead of daily, so I should have an easier time keeping up with it. I love lists. I make them all the time. The problem is sticking …

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It’s a Party and a Coloring Book Giveaway

March 17th marks the release date of Sparing the Heart. Have you pre-ordered your copy yet? You can pre-order for your Kindle for the $2.99 price. On March 19th, the price will increase so take advantage of the special rate today! About Sparing the Heart: Realtor and amateur bowler Kate Hayes is the ultimate fixer-upper at this …

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Cover Reveal: The Daydreamer Detective by S.J. Pajonas

Today is the cover reveal for The Daydreamer Detective by SJ Pajonas. This cover reveal is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The Daydreamer Detective (The Daydreamer Detective #1) By SJ Pajonas Genre: Mystery/ Cozy Mystery Age category: Adult Release Date: 31 march 2016 Blurb: Luck? Forget it. Mei Yamagawa is fresh out of it. She’s …

Cover Reveal: The Daydreamer Detective by S.J. Pajonas Read More »

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