On November 21st I wrote “THE END” on my National Novel Writing Month 2015 project. This novel is one I’ve had on my mind for at least a year and I can’t believe I’m done! I’m anxious to dive into revisions and I want to publish the book in 2016.
With the Pastime Pursuits series, all the cover ideas came easily to me. I found the image I liked and had a direction in my mind on what I wanted the cover to look like. Sparing the Heart isn’t done, but I can picture the cover in my mind already. This NaNoWriMo novel? No. Clue. I love the title (nope, I’m not sharing yet!), but the title doesn’t give me any insight into what I want for a cover. I have a very small idea. That’s it.
Cover design is important. And very expensive. Yes, it is an investment and possibly the best way to get a book to sell. If your cover doesn’t attract readers, they won’t bother to read the book.
Scarlett Rugers is a member of a group I’m in and she actually gave me some direction with the Caching In cover. When I saw she was running a contest to give away a book cover package valued at $550 I just about fell off my chair. Scarlett is talented, everyone. Very talented. I’ve looked at her site many times and having her design this NaNo cover would be the cat’s pajamas!
I’m an indie author. Am I successful? Well, I guess that depends on your definition of success. Let’s say that winning this package and having Scarlett design the cover to this next book … well, that could make the book, honestly. She announces the winner on December 15th and I’ve got my fingers CROSSED!