My Current TBR Pile

be_awesome_aHi everyone! Yes, it’s been quite awhile since I’ve posted. I love participating in Julie Valerie’s blog hop every month and she offered up a topic this month. I was relieved she did because I’ve got NOTHING. Well, not anymore. I actually have a post I am working on, but not in time for this hop, so you’re getting my TBR pile.

Oh, my TBR (To-Be-Read if you’re clueless). It’s bad. Really, really bad. I am a poor reader lately. I am currently reading Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen as well as a beta copy of The Daydreamer Detective Braves the Winter by SJ Pajonas. I’m moving very slowly. The books are great. I am having a very difficult time concentrating, that’s all. I’m also hard at work on the next draft of Dating for Decades, outlining and writing a novella for a box set, and revising a novella for a fall release. My husband has recently become a Beachbody coach and launched a website and I’m trying to help and support him in any way I can as well. And, on top of all this, I’m trying to stay positive, and awesome.





Back to the topic at hand. I have a large pile of books I want to read. I thought I would show you the physical books on my shelf.

These will be read this summer!
These will be read this summer!


So these are it. I plan on reading them this summer, I hope. I have a ton of books on my Kindle that I’ll try and read prior to summer, but beta reading for SJ will take priority as well as any other I have to read for research.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami – I picked this up at St. Vinny’s since it is SJ Pajonas’ favorite book. I knew she would be happy I wanted to read it!

Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave – I won this through a giveaway and I’m so excited to read it. My mom read it and really enjoyed it.

The Santangelos by Jackie Collins – I also won this in a giveaway. I’ve actually never read one of her books and this was her last.



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