Review of Face Time by S.J. Pajonas

Face Time

Since Face Time is out now, I thought I would share my review again!

If there’s one thing S.J. Pajonas can do, besides yoga and knit, it’s tell a love story. More impressive is she can weave a love story so romantic and sexy through an iPad screen.

Told through both Lee and Laura’s point of view, Face Time is one of the most original novels I have read about letting go of the past and moving forward. It also focuses heavily on the scrutiny interracial relationships face as Lee is Korean American and Laura is Caucasian. Both Lee and Laura have dealt with difficult pasts and exhausting families. Their loves grows fast and furious, and the heat between them is enough to set your Kindle on fire.

The growth between these two characters is tremendous and beautiful. The main characters are in their thirties, established in life, and know what they want. If you’ve been looking for an inventive romance, be sure to check out Face Time. This is the first in her Love in the Digital Age series.

I’ll note that I have read this book 3 times!

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