Face Time by S.J. Pajonas – It’s About Time

Today I bring you the release of a book I hold very dear to my heart. S.J. Pajonas came into my life last year while I started challenging myself to a plank challenge on Twitter. We chatted about elbow planks, straight planks, and how much we hated them. Not long after, we found out we both love to write. Of course, a relationship developed and my husband now refers to her as my Twitter BFF! S.J. and I text each other every day and listen to each other’s hopes and fears when it comes to our writing. I’ve got news for you.


Face TimeI first read this book month’s ago as a beta reader, and then I read the updated version, and then a finalized version. And I guarantee you, I will read it again. S.J. has a way with words … a way to pull you into Lee & Laura’s world and you root for them like you’ve never rooted for a book couple before. Lee is a a powerful businessman, and Laura is a strong woman who has overcome so many obstacles, and still struggles.

You can read my review on Goodreads, and please do, but don’t stop there. Add the book to your TBR shelf, and buy it – TODAY – and I promise you won’t be disappointed.

S.J. has a ton of projects ahead, and you’re going to love them! Of course, I won’t share them with you πŸ™‚ So hop on over to the sites below and pick up the book – now! πŸ™‚



Purchase Links:

Amazon: http://www.onigiripress.com/LITDA1Am
Barnes & Noble: http://www.onigiripress.com/LITDA1B
Kobo: http://www.onigiripress.com/LITDA1K
iBooks: http://www.onigiripress.com/LITDA1iB
All Romance eBooks: http://www.onigiripress.com/LITDA1AR
Smashwords: http://www.onigiripress.com/LITDA1S


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