They called her “The Beast” for two reasons. First, it was a play on her last name. Second, she was tough. Everyone hated her.
Except me.
My sophomore year of high school I signed up to take Spanish. I took it in middle school, and my freshman year I declined a language as an elective. When I saw who I had as a teacher, I freaked out. This teacher was, simply put by most students, a bitch. She made you only speak Spanish in class and always assigned homework. I’d regret taking this class.
Boy, did that turn out the opposite.
Sure, Spanish was tough. I can’t lie about that. Yes, she did make us use the language in class. If we had to use the bathroom, she required us to ask in Spanish. She gave us pop quizzes. Do you know what else she did? She taught us.
Here’s the thing about The Beast. My school had two Spanish teachers. The Beast and The-I-Want-To-Be-Everyone’s-Best-Friend teacher. My junior year I had the latter teacher and barely learned a thing. (Senior year I took French and that’s a whole different story). He seemed more interested in flirting with the girls than teaching anything. In The Beast’s class, I learned things. I retained information. I could speak Spanish! I think I forgot a lot of it in my junior year. In fact, the reason I took French senior year is because I don’t think the Spanish teacher I liked taught Senior Spanish. I didn’t want the same teacher.
I’m thankful for the teachers who are focused on teaching. I need someone to guide me, work with me, teach me. Not someone to flirt with me!
Have you ever encountered a teacher everyone else thought was tough as nails and hated, but you loved and learned from? Let me know in the comments!
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