Book Blitz: Death Goes to the County Fair


When I saw the opportunity to help with this book’s release, I had to sign up. When you see the cover, you’ll know why. This book sounds so interesting, and the cover caught my attention immediately. Happy Book Release Day Annette!

Book Information

Title: Death Goes to the County Fair

Author: Annette Drake

Series: An Ogallala Mystery

Release Date: October 15, 2015

Genres: Cozy Mystery

Publisher: Baskethound Books

This cover is awesome!
This cover is awesome!





Joni Harte knew her first job out of college would be tough, but she didn’t expect it to be murder.

With the ink mostly dry on her journalism degree, Joni accepts the position of news reporter and photographer for The Ogallala Gazette. She’s tasked with chronicling all of the goings-on of the quirky characters who inhabit this small Missouri town.

While investigating the identity of the first murder victim, Joni makes an enemy of the local sheriff. Worse, she catches the attention of a violent stalker who promises to cure Joni of her curiosity.

As the Ogallala County Fair comes to an end, Joni must uncover the truth before she comes to hers.


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Author Biography

Annette Drake is a multi-genre author whose work is character-driven and celebrates the law of unintended consequences.annette-drake-color-for-trr

Death Goes to the County Fair kicks off the premier of her cozy-mystery series set in Ogallala, Missouri. The book will be available October 15th.

Her debut novella, A Beautiful Day in Alaska, premiered February 1st. This is her second book set in “The Last Frontier.” Annette’s novel, A Year with Geno, took place in Eagle River, Alaska.

Annette’s second novel, Bone Girl, premiered last March from Baskethound Books and is available in ebook, print and audiobook. Her debut novel, Celebration House, was published August of 2013 by Tirgearr Publishing.

Annette makes her home in Washington. A member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators, she loves libraries, basset hounds and bakeries. She does not camp. If she can help it.


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