The obsession began with Subway. Were you a member of The Sub Club? I sure was and I filled those cards with stamps any chance I had. Do you remember them? A paper card was your loyalty card and every time you bought a 6-inch sub you got a stamp. Lick that baby and slap it on. Once you had eight you earned yourself a free sub.
Well, hot damn, that’s pretty awesome.
Fast forward to 2016. Restaurants and stores have rewards, from Mcdonald’s to Petco. Do you want a reward? You’ve earned it. The “prize” varies from a free menu item to gift cards to something special on your birthday (thanks for remembering every year, Starbucks!)

I’m a Reward Addict. I love them. LOVE. Why? I have no clue. Maybe I require some sort of validation in the way of free stuff. Typically the final punch gives me free coffee. I only fill my Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts card when I know I’m going there for coffee. McDonald’s now offers a punch card via their app with their McCafe drinks. Walmart lets you scan your receipt and earn gift cards. Panera “surprises” you with rewards when they feel like it. There’s a local coffee place that offers DOUBLE PUNCHES on Tuesday. DOUBLE! So if I plan on coffee that week, I plan on Tuesday because it gets me closer to my free cup that much faster. Now LuLaRoe consultants have punch cards too. Everyone has them! (I joke my vet should offer one since the bulldog has to go in so much!)
My obsession with the punch cards is stupid. I probably spend more money to get my free reward. Chances are I buy coffee some days only to get the points or the punch. Seriously.
When I think about my addiction I’m reminded of Elaine from Seinfeld and Atomic Subs. Watch the clip here:
Do you use punch cards or reward apps? Which are your favorites?