K is for Kindle!

#ATOZChallenge @tkrimms

Ah …. I love my Kindle. LOVE. I’ll be completely honest with you. I have a Kindle Fire and I don’t use it for anything else except books and the occasional game of Candy Crush because, no matter how they try to sell it, it’s not a tablet. In my honest opinion, it’s really only good for its original intent, and sometimes that’s a stretch (it’s been known to crash every now and again).

My Kindle is, simply, my portable bookshelf. I first got one in 2010. I still have it, and often transfer my books there when I read outside. I adore my original Kindle for the no glare screen. The first book I “purchased” was STUCK IN THE MIDDLE by Virginia Smith. This was a free download, which I still haven’t read. For awhile I only downloaded free books – many of which I still haven’t read. Once I switched over to a Fire, I started buying books more often. The first book I actually purchased was only 88¢ and was CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE MURDER by Joanne Fluke.

I still love my paperbacks and hardcovers. In fact, whenever I go on vacation, I always bring a book. I can’t read my Kindle in the car. Ever since I had vertigo in 2011, I can’t read while the car is moving, which sucks sometimes sitting as a passenger on a 4 hour drive!


My second Kindle was the regular Kindle Fire. Now, I have a Kindle Fire HD. I stick that thing in my purse wherever I go. I never know when I’ll need it! I actually often forget it can do other things than carry books (both the Kindle AND the purse!). It can do almost everything a tablet does, but I find it hard to work on. The one thing the Kindle Fire HD has that my other Kindles did not have (and maybe they all have it now) is the one-click option. So hard not to one-click! The last free download I one-clicked was THE STILLNESS OF THE SKY by Starla Huchton. The last book I purchased was ROCK STARRED by Karen Booth (and it was excellent).

Do you have an e-reader? Which one? What was your last one-click? Tell me in the comments.

Here is my Kindle showing my books 🙂

Click on BOOKS in the menu bar of my website to purchase any 🙂 Jay Walking will be out this summer!


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