
The Debonair Dog Groomer – if The Little Mermaid Were Chick Lit

Today, during #ChickLitLove week, I have been faced with an incredibly difficult task. As an author of the things I hate most is writing a blurb. Today I’ve been challenged to write a Disney Princess movie blurb as though it were a chick lit novel. I worked on it for quite awhile, and I still

The Debonair Dog Groomer – if The Little Mermaid Were Chick Lit Read More »

Once Upon a Cache …. Caching In’s Lead as a Princess!

When the opportunity arose to participate in the Fairy Tale Fun Blog Hop, I couldn’t resist. Who doesn’t love a princess? The premise is simple: compare your novel’s heroine to a princess. Easy, right? One would think, but with so many choices out there, and so many wonderful princesses, how do you choose? My most

Once Upon a Cache …. Caching In’s Lead as a Princess! Read More »

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