
Book Clubs

Today I’m excited about Julie Valerie’s Fiction Writers Blog Hop again. She chose “Book Clubs” as the topic. Do you belong to a book club? I joined one and then they never met and disbanded. I hope it wasn’t me! Since then I have joined a few online book clubs. I’ll admit I’m not the …

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Sparing the Heart is LIVE!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! That should bring me some luck, right? I hope so — today Sparing the Heart is live and available for purchase in the Kindle store at Amazon. This has been a long day coming. Since I wrote Caching In, readers have asked about Kate Hayes, Seth’s sister who was a little, well, bitchy …

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Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For the Rest of 2015

Earlier this year I created my list of books I plan to read next. I have finished a few of those books and am reading some others in between. I can’t read in the order I blogged about because if the mood doesn’t fit me, I can’t read it. This week, brought to you by The …

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